Thursday, April 14, 2011

Commentary on a Colluege's Work

Mr. Richard,
I completely agree with your comments on the secrecy of the government. They are always hiding something. Always trying to pull a fast one on the American public. And we never seem to get quite angry enough to ever make them stop. I actually don’t think that will ever happen.
Every election there are big, bright promises that we always seem to fall for. It’s nothing new - lower taxes, improving the education system, Social Security reform, and/ or getting us out of the economic slump. And America is so happy that this saving-grace has come along, only to find out it was all a bunch of bull! Then, shortly thereafter we end up passively accepting their explanation of, “What I meant by that was...” .
I was also happy to see that you pointed out that the government is so easy to blame. The big, bad government can be at fault for practically anything. It makes it incredibly easy for Americans to “give up”. There are numerous groups that are trying to make a change every day yet most people don’t even care. They will complain about the crappy government as they sit on their couch and watch American Idol.
Like I said, I don’t know if this will ever truly change and I must admit that the whole topic hurts my head, but I appreciated reading your take on the issue. In my mind, if every American just put the slightest bit of effort, even 5 or 10 percent, into learning/ keeping up with news and politics, then the world would be a better place. But I guess that just as unrealistic as all those empty promises!!

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