Friday, April 29, 2011

A Saving Grace

In a day and age where most politicians are known for being untrustworthy, greedy, power-hungry people, there is a beautiful beam of light shining out across the sky. Harvard Law Professor and Special Advisor for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Elizabeth Warren is almost too good to be true. She is an incredibly experienced and highly intelligent woman who is fighting for middle class America. And she’s passionate about it because she believes in doing what is right. Warren’s focus is on regulating the big financial institutions by bringing back the effective, necessary laws that ensure safer, more manageable lending for average American families. This includes everyday things like mortgages, credit cards, and car loans. These were highly regulated for many years until the big institutions realized they could trick people with fine print, and profit from it!! So now, the big CEOs on Wall Street are screwing the American people, the exact same people that saved their butts not long ago with bail-outs. Their thinking is so crooked that they can’t stop stealing money from honest Americans - hiking up interest rates and adding fine-print to everything. So many times, the consumer has no idea what they are getting themselves in to. Warren says this just isn’t fair, “Nobody can tell the price of a credit card... What [the CFPB] really wants to do is make prices clear, risks clear, and get rid of the fine print.” Common sense, right? Well, naturally, those CEOs are mad! They have been lining up, with bankers, politicians and many Republicans, to attack Warren in hopes of stopping her. These businesses have been making tens of billions of dollars by preying on customers and now she is saying enough is enough. Warren is a threat to them, but don’t think she is intimidated, “[I am] playing a lot of defense to keep the [CFPB] strong and alive… [I am] always ready.”
Elizabeth Warren’s current work is really extraordinary. She is standing up to the “big boys” and working to save our nation. I, for one, am thankful!


Brandi Solether said...

In response to A Saving Grace:

I appreciate your article very much. I was not aware of Elizabeth Warren's influence and presence in politics. As a middle-class American, I also feel that I have been getting ripped off and taken advantage of for years by the government. The elites have monopolized everything and they are securing their future, while the rest of us struggle for basic necessities. I am glad to know that there is a silver lining on a very dark cloud. It sounds like Warren is going to be a good representation for middle-class Americans. Maybe the future of politics and government isn't doomed, after-all.

Your argument is well constructed and clearly marks your stand. It is refreshing to read an opinion that is not laced in a negative, aggressive tone. You voiced your concerns, but also offered a positive light on the situation. Great job!

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